

BRI Poolis a smart contract responsible for minting new BRI tokens paid to users as rewards for placing orders.
BRI Pool
Orders Poolstores assets locked as orders. In the future these assets will be available for additional yield farming.
Orders Pool
The Treasury Poolfunds will be used for order settlement, as a buyback fund, and to support liquidity pools on external DEXes. In the future, Treasury Pool funds will also work to Brightpool’s benefit by being staked or farmed on other platforms.
The Treasury Pool
Staking Poolis fueled by the exchange revenue. The funds locked there will become an incentive for those who stake BRI or LP tokens. Staking Pool will contain all assets traded on Brightpool and users will be rewarded proportionally with each asset.
Staking Pool
Pool Managerconsists of smart contracts, responsible for orders settlement, revenue split and order cancellation, and backend component that triggers actions between all Brightpool’s smart contracts.
Pool Manager
The Oracleis a smart contract which checks the average price of assets from the 3 most liquid DEXes.
The Oracle
The Price Engineis an advanced algorithm which uses modification of the traditional Black-Scholes model to price users’ orders and portfolio risk management techniques to establish exchange limits.
The Price Engine
Blockchain LayerBrightpool’s first blockchain network will be Arbitrum. As the next step, Brightpool will be launched on various blockchain networks and become a multi-chain protocol.
Blockchain Layer